2017년 10월 2일 월요일

와인 소믈리에 실습-한국음식과 어울리는 와인조사(영문)

와인 소믈리에 실습-한국음식과 어울리는 와인조사(영문)
와인 소믈리에 실습-한국음식과 어울리는 와인조사(영문).pptx

Ssambap with Nimbus Casablanca
Yukhoe with Moet & Chandon
Gujeolpan with Mascaron
Pajeon with St. Urbans-Hof
Bulgogi with Concord of Carl Rossi
Kimchizzim with Malvaisa
Samgyetang with Jermann Tunina
Steamed Chicken with Schloss Vollards
Bossam with Moulin A Vent
Yakgwa with Montes Gewurztraminer

Ssam, literally meaning wrapped, and Bap means rice .
So Ssambap refers to a dish in Korean cuisine in which usually leaf vegetables are used to wrap. It is often accompanied by a condiment known as ssamjang.
Ssambap is special dish in summer.
When you eat Ssambap with plentiful vegetables, you can feel the freshness like summer picnic.
Ssambap stimulate someone s appetite when chewing fresh vegetables.

in this meal, sauvignon blanc can remove smell of freshly cut grass and finish of spice. in this time, we should choose wine carefully because of kind of 쌈장 using 쌈밥.
frequently using 쌈장 based 된장, Casablanca, Nimbus Sauvignon Blanc is perfectly matched with 쌈밥. it has various aroma of flower and tropical fruits like jasmine, pineapple, lime. that aromas stimulate vegetable s flavor and remove odor of 된장.

와인조사, 와인, 소믈리, 한국음식, 영문

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