2017년 10월 30일 월요일

철학 - 플라톤의 선분의 비유 리포트

철학 - 플라톤의 선분의 비유 리포트
철학 - 플라톤의 선분의 비유 리포트.docx

In his book Republica, by letting Socrates explains all, Plato proposes 4 models of knowledge describing the Analogy of the Divided Line: the illusion(eikasia), belief(pistis), mathematical reasoning(dianoia), understanding(noesis). The first two of knowledge belongs to the Visible World, discerned by our sights or opinion(doxa). The latter pairs are only perceived through intelligence as they belong to the Intelligable World. In fact, Plato sees the world - in the way of Epistemological meaning - as two parts, as above mentioned the Visible World and the Intelligable World. These are the actual examples of term he used.

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비유, 플라톤, 선분, 철학, 리포트

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