목차 Ⅰ. Introduction Ⅱ. Data Set information Ⅲ. Data Analysis Ⅳ. Conclusion Ⅴ. Application 본문 Various BEER!!! The Objective of our analysis is -to identify groups of Beers -to analyze results -to make an application for marketing 2. Data Set Information Cass fresh Casslight Max Dryfinishd Hite Budweiser Heineken Hoegaarden Asahisuperdry Tsingtao Sanmiguel Mudshake KGB Crusier Obgoldenlarger Guiness Miller Cafri Sapporo Kirinichibang Hoochi Cluster Analysis Ward's method K-means Check the Correlation Matrix 키워드 맥주, 군집분석, 데이터, 군집, 분석, 통계학 |
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