목차 1. CTP 소개 2. 공정 Simulation 3. Simulation 결과 본문 2. 공정 Simulation Distillation Column Trays Depropanizer (C604) 실제단수: 70단 70 ~ 80 % Dehexanizer (C605) 실제단수: 35단 70 ~ 75 % Propylene (C606) 실제단수: 160단 95 ~ 100 % Distillation Column Trays Depropanizer: 49 ~ 56단 Dehexanizer: 25 ~ 26단 Propylene: 152 ~ 160단 Distillation Column Pressure Drops Condenser: 0.1 bar Per Tray Tray의 Weir height에 비례 Weir height: 2 in 1 bar / 10 m of H2O 0.0747 psi per tray! 참고문헌 공정 엔지니어를 위한 PRO/II with PROVISION 실무, 조정호 저, 아 진, p.256 그림5.5.10 증류탑의 specifications와 variables를 입력한 창 원료와 촉매 변화에 따른 Methanol-to-Propylene 공정개선, 홍성현, 생명화학공학과, KAIST (2008), p.9, 11, 12 Energy and the Environment, James A. Fay, Dan S. Golomb, Oxford (2002), P.23 Table 2.3 Composition and Characteristics of Coal, Percent by Weight Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers, Max S. Peters, Klaus D. Timmerhaus, Ronald E. West 5th Edition, Mc Graw Hill, p.243 Table 6-4 Typical exponents for equipment cost as a function of capacity Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, J,M. Smith, H.C. Van Ness, M. M. Abbott, 7th Edition, Mc Graw Hill, Appendix F. Steam Table, Table F.1 Saturated Steam, SI Units Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers, Max S. Peters, Klaus D. Timmerhaus, Ronald E. West 5th Edition, Mc Graw Hill, p.413 Figure 9-12 Optimum reflux ratio in distillation operation A Practical Guide to Steady State Modeling of Petroleum Processes (Using Commercial Simulators), G. L., Kaes, Athens Printing Company (2000), p.68 Overall Tray Efficiencies http://www.icis.com/blogs/asian-chemical-connections/2011/02/coal-chemicals-wave-sweeps-chi.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propylene http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coal 키워드 실제단수, 공정, 단수, 실제, 소개, 결과 |
2016년 6월 7일 화요일
CTP - Propylene Recovery
CTP - Propylene Recovery
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