2017년 6월 30일 금요일

의료 민영화 실패 사례-영화 `식코`를 중심으로(영문)

의료 민영화 실패 사례-영화 `식코`를 중심으로(영문)
의료 민영화 실패 사례-영화 `식코`를 중심으로(영문).pptx

1.Opening discussion!
3.The methods of privatization
4.Why we need privatization?
5.Good cases of privatization
6.The disadvantages of privatization
7.Bad cases of privatization
8.Discussion. 1
9.Big Government vs Small Government
10.Discussion. 2

1.Opening discussion!
Have you ever been to hospital?
Everyone has experiences to go to hospital.
Let's share the experiences about process.

To sell a business or an industry so that it is no longer owned by the government.
The methods of privatization

1. To sell the estate or stock which is public property.

2. Turn the state monopoly into free competition and promote the private enterprises to join.

3. Encourage people to use private services not public services. (Opt-out from public services)

의료민영화, 실패사례, 영화, 식코, 영문

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