본문 Seoul is one of the big city in the world. It has a big population with many high-rise buildings. As Seoul is getting bigger and bigger all the way, problem is also being complicated. To solve Seoul city몶s new problem it is essential to move core executive to another city. There are three reasons why we should move core executive to another city. We will have a look the problem, which is caused by too much concentration , and how to solve it. At first, big population with too much concentration on Seoul city makes many problem which are kind of pollution, high rent etc. There is a new living style in Korea, and it can몶t be found on any other countries. It is a semi basement house. Usually semi basement is used as storage but Korean uses it as a house because of high rent. This kind of house is very weak when there is a heavy rain, and it is also not good for public health. Big population is another threat to Seoul. According to article of Hankyurea, Seoul will have a shortage of water and electricity because of over capacity. There was a black-out accident which is caused by using too much electric power. Secondly, if core executive is moved to another city, like Se-Jong city, other subsidiary administration will have no choice except follow it, and it will help to distribute too much concentration on Seoul. Subsidiary administration like ministry of foreign administration will follow core executive몶s move, because their task is highly related with Blue house and parliament. They have a thousand of documents which need to be checked on day by day. If subsidiary administration moves to another city, corporations and research facilities will follow it. Regard with governments expect number, it will be at least more than half million who will move to another city following their work-place. If half million people comes out of Seoul there will be another group which wants to find a new opportunity. Totally, there will be more than 3 million people who move to another city as a chain reaction. Lastly, some people say it makes a synergy effect by being placed closely all together. Simply it몶s true. That몶s why Seoul has been getting bigger and bigger. Corporations and education facilities have found that staying closer to administration has a big advantage. It also has caused many kinds of corruptions, and it is a big social problem these days. It made an inequality among the provinces. Then it becomes an another discrimination based on education. Despite all of synergy effect, if negative effect overwhelmed its synergy, it has to be changed. The best way to change it, is moving core executive to another city, and it will solve many trouble s which are occurred in Seoul. 하고 싶은 말 좀 더 업그레이드하여 자료를 보완하여, 과제물을 꼼꼼하게 정성을 들어 작성했습니다. 위 자료 요약정리 잘되어 있으니 잘 참고하시어 학업에 나날이 발전이 있기를 기원합니다 ^^ 구입자 분의 앞날에 항상 무궁한 발전과 행복과 행운이 깃들기를 홧팅 키워드 에세이 |
2018년 2월 13일 화요일
영어 에세이 moving core executive
영어 에세이 moving core executive
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