본문 Excercise 1. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in the parenthesis. Pay attention to the order of frequency adverbs. On weekdays, Sam usually gets up at 7:30 (get up/usually). He always checks e-mail on his phone on the way to work (check/always). He works to the office at 9:00 and gets overtime every day (get/work/every day). sometimes he not leaves until 9:00 pm (not/leave/sometimes). He and his brother, John often exercises at a health club after work (exercise/often). They fix dinner together when they get home (fix/get). They really enjoy cooking (enjoy). Sam sometimes works for a while after dinner (work/sometimes), but John always watches TV (watch/always). On Saturdays, they often play soccer and go to the movies together (play/go/often). On Saturday nights, Sam often hangs out with his friends (often/hang out). They usually go to a cafe or dance club (go/usually). On Sundays, he always sleeps late (sleep/always). He usually gets at about 11:00 (get up/usually). On Sunday afternoons, he usually goes grocery shopping (go/usually). Excercise 2. Put the words in the correct order to make correct sentences. 1. ( often / you / movie stars / in this district / will / see ) You will often see movie stars in this district. 2. ( sometimes / feel / with Jane / I / uncomfortable ) I sometimes feel uncomfortable with Jane. 3. ( seldom / the Korean language / easily / foreigners / learn ) Foreigners seldom learn the Korean language easily. 하고 싶은 말 좀 더 업그레이드하여 자료를 보완하여, 과제물을 꼼꼼하게 정성을 들어 작성했습니다. 위 자료 요약정리 잘되어 있으니 잘 참고하시어 학업에 나날이 발전이 있기를 기원합니다 ^^ 구입자 분의 앞날에 항상 무궁한 발전과 행복과 행운이 깃들기를 홧팅 키워드 과제, 레포트 |
2018년 2월 13일 화요일
영어 과제 레포트 Unit 3
영어 과제 레포트 Unit 3
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