본문 Do you know that all of the matter around us has only three states? Each substances has different characters, qualities, etc. However, we can classify all substances into only three states; gas, liquid, solid. The first state is a gas. A gas has no fixed volume or shape; rather, it conforms to the volume and shape of its container. For example, when we put gases into a one liter plastic bottle, the volume of gases is one liter. A gas can be compressed to occupy a smaller volume, or it can expand to occupy a larger one, because in a gas, the molecules are far apart and moving at high speed. Compressing a gas decreases the amount of space between molecules, so we can make the volume of the gas smaller. The examples of gases around us are the air we breathe, steam, and so on. The second state is a liquid. A liquid has a distinct volume independent of its container decides its shape. In a liquid, the molecules are packed closely together but still move quickly, so it can be shapeless. Water, the gasoline, orange juice are the examples of liquid we can find easily. The last state is a solid. A solid has both a definite shape and a definite volume. The molecules of the solid are held tightly together, so it cannot be compressed like a gas. The molecules cannot move freely, so it has a fixed form. Desks, chairs, pencils are the examples of solids. Like this, all of the matter around us can classified into three states. 하고 싶은 말 좀 더 업그레이드하여 자료를 보완하여, 과제물을 꼼꼼하게 정성을 들어 작성했습니다. 위 자료 요약정리 잘되어 있으니 잘 참고하시어 학업에 나날이 발전이 있기를 기원합니다 ^^ 구입자 분의 앞날에 항상 무궁한 발전과 행복과 행운이 깃들기를 홧팅 키워드 에세이 |
2018년 2월 13일 화요일
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